Scream Cream (Florida Only)


Scream Cream Topical Cream is formulated with a powerful blend of Aminophylline, Arginine, Ergoloid Mesylate, Isosorbide DIN, and Pentoxifylline, specifically designed to enhance sexual arousal and improve libido in women. This topical cream helps increase blood flow and sensitivity, making it a highly effective option for women in perimenopause or menopause who are experiencing changes in sexual desire.


  • Aminophylline: A bronchodilator that enhances circulation.
  • Arginine: An amino acid that promotes vasodilation and blood flow.
  • Ergoloid Mesylate: Known for improving blood flow and mental clarity.
  • Isosorbide DIN: A nitrate that increases blood flow by relaxing blood vessels.
  • Pentoxifylline: Improves circulation and reduces inflammation.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhances sexual arousal and response in women
  • Boosts blood flow and sensitivity for better sexual experiences
  • Ideal for women experiencing changes in libido due to perimenopause or menopause
  • Easy, topical application for localized, fast-acting results


Scream Cream Topical Cream is a specially formulated topical product aimed at enhancing sexual arousal and libido in women who are experiencing a decreased sexual response. The cream is designed to promote blood flow and sensitivity, making it an excellent solution for women in perimenopause or menopause, who often experience hormonal changes that impact sexual desire.

How It Works:

This unique formulation combines five key ingredients that work synergistically to enhance sexual response by improving blood circulation and increasing sensitivity in intimate areas. When applied topically, Scream Cream provides a direct, localized boost to sexual arousal, making it an effective and non-invasive option for women looking to regain their libido.

Mechanism of Action:

  • Aminophylline: Primarily used as a bronchodilator, it also helps increase circulation to specific areas, enhancing the overall effect of the cream by promoting better blood flow.
  • Arginine: An essential amino acid that serves as a precursor to nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow to the applied area. This action directly enhances sexual response and sensitivity.
  • Ergoloid Mesylate: Known for improving blood circulation in the brain and peripheral tissues, this component contributes to heightened mental and physical clarity during arousal.
  • Isosorbide DIN: A vasodilator that works by relaxing blood vessels and increasing blood flow, further enhancing sexual sensitivity and response.
  • Pentoxifylline: A medication that improves circulation and reduces inflammation, helping ensure that blood flow is maximized where the cream is applied.

Who Is It For?:

Scream Cream is designed for women who are experiencing decreased sexual arousal and libido. It is especially beneficial for those in perimenopause or menopause, as these life stages often bring about changes in hormonal levels, leading to reduced sexual desire and sensitivity. The cream provides a direct way to combat these changes, improving sexual enjoyment and intimacy.

How to Use:

  • Apply Scream Cream directly to the genital area about 30 minutes before sexual activity.
  • Only a small amount is needed to experience the benefits. Avoid excessive use, as the cream is formulated to provide fast-acting, localized results.

Potential Benefits:

  • Enhanced Sexual Arousal: By promoting increased blood flow to the genital area, Scream Cream helps enhance sensitivity, making it easier for women to become aroused.
  • Improved Libido: Regular use may help boost overall sexual desire, especially for women who have noticed a decline due to hormonal changes.
  • Localized, Fast-Acting Results: Unlike oral medications, which need to pass through the digestive system, Scream Cream provides immediate effects as it is absorbed directly into the skin.

Clinical Evidence:

Ingredients like Arginine and Aminophylline have been shown to effectively promote blood flow through vasodilation, enhancing circulation to targeted areas. This is especially important for sexual response, as increased blood flow to the genitals plays a crucial role in sexual arousal. Additionally, Pentoxifylline and Ergoloid Mesylate are commonly used in formulations aimed at improving blood circulation, making them effective for increasing sexual sensitivity and response.

Studies have shown that topical applications aimed at improving blood flow, such as those containing Arginine and Pentoxifylline, can significantly enhance sexual pleasure and arousal in women, particularly those experiencing age-related declines in libido.

Common Side Effects:

  • Mild Irritation: Some women may experience slight irritation or redness in the applied area.
  • Flushing or Warm Sensation: This is often a result of increased blood flow to the area and is typically mild and temporary.


  • Hypersensitivity to Ingredients: Avoid use if you have known allergies to any of the ingredients in the formulation.
  • Heart Conditions: Since Isosorbide DIN is a nitrate, it should be used with caution by those with heart conditions or those on medications like nitrates or alpha-blockers.

Key Points:

  • Scream Cream is a highly effective, non-invasive way to enhance sexual response and arousal in women, particularly those going through perimenopause or menopause.
  • Its combination of active ingredients ensures improved blood flow and sensitivity, making it a fast-acting solution for increasing libido and improving the overall sexual experience.
  • This topical cream offers an alternative to oral medications, allowing for on-demand, localized action without the need for daily treatment.

With Scream Cream, women can regain their sexual vitality, enjoying enhanced intimacy and pleasure with a simple, convenient solution designed to meet their specific needs.